Rabbit Hole

  • Falling Down
  • Spider-ed Man
  • Ferris Wheel
  • Enough
  • The Great March Forward
  • What is Love?
  • Humana
    Humans are a series of contradictions
    Internal paradoxes causing struggles within
    We battle ourselves with burning anticipation
    To find out who we are and what we are
    But we are both True and False
    Both Zero and One
    Both Yes and No
    We say one thing and mean another
    More oxymoron than enigma
    In our quest to understand ourselves
    We get lost and ignore logic

    Yet here I am
    Getting further and closer to you
    Learning and unlearning
    Remembering and forgetting

    Whether wrong or right
    Or wrong and right
    I know one thing for sure
    About my self
    (and I hope you, as well)

  • Movement

  • Secrets
  • Power
    I was not expecting to feel that
    The entire situation brought uncertainty
    And when I acted and you reciprocated
    I felt your power
    No tyrant could wield as you did
    To command balance at will
    Initiate and tame vigor
    Meld proximity and distance
    Vulnerability is power
    Unchained unbound and free
    It can be overwhelming
    Yet for you it is organic
    With strength Will and focus
    You decide your own destiny
    and I am amazed

  • Fractures
  • Valediction

    There is a deep sadness within
    As the first became the last
    Yet nothing could replace the given
    Every beat, a masochistic struggle

    Absurdity devours the essence
    Failed attempts resurface
    Hope in here lives frozen
    Poison settles in habits cold

    No pedestal in this nightmare valley
    Stand on only offered necks and broken bones
    No blame to those who rise reluctantly
    Memories made are gold and blinding

    Looking back is always bittersweet
    Soft skin and rough demeanor lie
    Since that day on Northern Shepard Street
    Changing all and none with time

    Dread was not a stranger to the end
    My life’s regret will be not knowing who you are
    From love at first sight to electronic friend
    Infinite words and emotion, yet only to say

    In sincerest adoration and debilitating sorrow
    With love from regions in the heart I did not know


  • Black and white

    With every opportunity
    are gains and losses
    I’ve lost you
    but have gained experience

    perhaps next time
    I will get it right